The RDA Studio


+ What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?

Every client's project is different which is why I offer different forms of pricing. I usually recommend my hourly rate for specific consultations, my base price for 1-2 rooms, and a more detailed contract based on square footage for larger spaces. I want to make sure you get the space that you've always envisioned without having to stretch your budget.

+ How did you get started doing this type of work?

If I told you I was a Corporate Accountant by trade, would you believe me? It's crazy to think that I wasn't an interior designer from the get-go. I was always told by family and friends that I should start my own studio because of my love for interior design. So, I took the plunge and am so happy I did!

+ What types of customers have you worked with?

I have worked with a variety of clients ranging from small to large scale projects. Whether it's your entire home, a full-scale renovation or just as simple as planning out your furniture, decor layout or picking color choices, I'm happy to offer my expertise! I also work with commercial clients for office and retail spaces, restaurants, and specialty beverage shops.

+ What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

The best way to hire the right designer for you is to find one that you can relate to and build a working relationship with. This will help the design go from a beautiful compliment worthy space to one that truly feels like home as well. Yes, you want a room that could be featured in Architectural Digest, but what’s the point if you can’t sit on that pristine white sofa in your new living room or explain what that vase on your shelf means to you?

+ What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

I think questions are very important and an open conversation needs to happen to make sure that there is full transparency about what the customers expectations are. I believe three of the most important things are making sure that you find a designer that can stay within your budget, finding one that can design to your style and what you want, and lastly, what can the designer do for you in terms of versatility throughout projects.


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